Italian Visas

Working Holiday Visa

Available only to those aged 18-30 & who come from countries who are part of a working holiday program with Italy

Entrepreneur Visa

Available to those who wish to open a business or self-employed individuals wanting to work in Italy

Work Visa

Available to foreign nationals who want to move to Italy to engage in salaried work. You must already have the employment secured in Italy before you can apply.

Family reunification

Available to foreign nationals who want to join a family member who has Italian citizenship or an Italian permanent residence permit, or who is an EU citizen with residency in Italy.

Elective Residency Visa

Italy has a very well established visa for persons of independent financial means, it is mostly used by foreign nationals who wish to retire in Italy – and have the financial means to do so. This is why it is often referred to as an Italy retirement visa.

The Italian elective residency visa is a long stay visa, It is the type of Italian visa you must apply for if you want to permanently relocate to Italy and have sufficient funds to provide for yourself. These funds cannot come from active work while you are in Italy, but rather from savings, investments, or pensions.

This means that if you apply for an Italian Elective Residency Visa, you cannot take up any sort of work in Italy.

Once you obtain an Italy Elective Residence Visa, you can enter Italy where you will have to promptly apply for an Italian Residence Permit.

You must have a minimum of € 31,000 per year, if you are applying alone, and € 38,000 if you are applying as a married couple. The amount is increased by 20% for every dependent that comes with you.

Golden Visa

Italian government is committed to making Italy increasingly attractive to international flows of human and financial capital. The introduction of the investor visa for Italy is an example of this commitment.

The program entails four different investment methods:

  1. €2 million investment in Italian government bonds

  2. €500,000 investment in an Italian limited company

  3. €250,000 investment  in an Italian innovative startup

  4. €1 million donations to a philanthropic initiative in Italy 

NEW! Digital Nomad Visa

Italy’s new Digital Nomad Visa can be issued to non-EU highly skilled workers who are allowed to work remotely, either independently or for a company based outside Italy.

The visa is exempt from the “quota” limits, and it is not necessary to apply for a work permit (nulla osta) for entry as a digital nomad

  • An annual income not less than three times the minimum level required for exemption from health care participation expenses (around €28,000).

  • Health insurance for medical care and hospitalisation valid throughout Italy and for the entire period of stay.

  • Proof of having secured accommodation in Italy.

  • At least 6 months of work experience as a digital nomad or remote worker.

  • In case of remote workers, submit a job contract or offer for a highly qualified position